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KIM Chen
Chi ming Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in 1984. Has nearly 38 years of experience. Manufacturing LED car lights, LED truck lights. Serving the needs of customers is the most important goal.

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Subject: LED Lighting-G60 E27-30SLED

Lighting manufacturers, such as Sharp, Toshiba Corp. (Toshiba), Rohm large-scale display products for electric ball LED lights, mainly used to replace the incandescent lamp. Dachang great importance to the development of LED lighting due to some reasons, the high power consumption due to incandescent, and the short life span is now the world's States have a cut-off for the incandescent lamp, or lock-out schedule; In contrast, electrical power consumption of the ball-type LED lights over incandescent 80% less light, and the life of incandescent lamp 40 times, not only save on electricity bills and reduce the waste generated.