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Chi ming Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in 1984. Has nearly 38 years of experience. Manufacturing LED car lights, LED truck lights. Serving the needs of customers is the most important goal.

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Subject: AUTO LED Lighting-Automotive LED ++

Material consists of molecules, molecules from atoms. In fact the composition of atoms is not the smallest particles of matter, it is by the nucleus and the nuclear spin around the group consisting of a micro-electronic system. The track is a set of rotating concentric garden space. Concentric Park, a limited number, in addition to allowing the track, other tracks do not allow electronic presence. Atoms with internal energy, internal energy change of size can not be a continuous, step by step separate. This separation of energy called the energy levels. Electronic state in which the level of the decision level. Under normal circumstances, the electronic is always located in the inner track, this state is called the ground state or the steady-state. Atomic system in the whole group is always the vast majority of electronic ground state. In the absence of external force, the inner up electronic will not flow to the outer layer. In other words, low energy level on the electronic energy level does not automatically go up. When the electronic ground state by external used to give a certain energy in an appropriate manner, such as light, electron impact, chemical reaction or heating and so on, will be excited to high energy level up. Instead of electronic due to atomic own internal contradictions will spontaneously return to lower energy levels up, this process is called spontaneous transitions. Transition refers to the micro-particle system from a particular state to do a state of transition. Spontaneous transition within the atom, can reduce the time, and the excess energy will be released. Released in two forms, one is hot, one is light. Heat is called non-radiative transitions, the light is called spontaneous emission transition, the spontaneous emission of radiation that the general light source, such as lamp light is generated by spontaneous transitions.