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Chi ming Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in 1984. Has nearly 38 years of experience. Manufacturing LED car lights, LED truck lights. Serving the needs of customers is the most important goal.

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Subject: AUTO LED Lighting-LED bulbs light-emitting efficiency of the best-per-watt light-emitting efficie

At present, ordinary indoor lighting, mainly incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs is still the main, LED bulbs are still the minority. The current market, the availability of LED bulbs as the comparison base is similar to the brightness of incandescent light bulbs, energy-saving light bulbs and LED bulbs, LED bulbs light-emitting efficiency of the best-per-watt light-emitting efficiency can reach 70 to 80 lumens or more, followed by the energy-saving light bulbs, general products up to 57 lumens per watt, as among the most inefficient incandescent light bulbs, luminous efficiency of only 12 lumens per watt. Also in life, the life of incandescent bulbs is about 1,200 hours, energy-saving light bulbs can reach 5,000 to 6,000 hours, LED bulbs can reach 10,000 hours, life is twice as energy-saving bulbs. Look at the question solely on the energy-saving, LED bulbs is indeed better than incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs save more energy.