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KIM Chen
Chi ming Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in 1984. Has nearly 38 years of experience. Manufacturing LED car lights, LED truck lights. Serving the needs of customers is the most important goal.

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Subject: LED Lighting-LED packaging technology, mainly in how to improve the efficiency of light to learn.

LED light-emitting layer epitaxial materials used in metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technology, and quantum well (QW, Quantum Well) structure, so that to improve its internal quantum efficiency. However, as semiconductor materials with high optical refractive index (refractive index), resulting in total reflection (TIR, Total Internal Reflection) phenomenon, makes the grain produced by the beam can not escape out the structure of the grain itself. Therefore, most of the light beam or light-emitting electrode active layer was re-absorption, so generate a large number of high-temperature heat phenomenon. The effect of a high temperature will reduce the luminescence efficiency, resulting in optical gain efficiency (extraction efficiency) is too low, so LED packaging technology, mainly in how to improve the efficiency of light to learn.