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Chi ming Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in 1984. Has nearly 38 years of experience. Manufacturing LED car lights, LED truck lights. Serving the needs of customers is the most important goal.

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Subject: Automotive LED Lighting-Zeeman effect

In December 1897, Preston (T.supeston) reported that, in many experiments is not always observed spectral lines split into three intervals are not the same, it is this phenomenon called the anomalous Zeeman effect will be found in the phenomenon called the Zeeman original normal Zeeman effect. Anomalous Zeeman effect of the mechanism in the subsequent period of 20 years have not been able to be a good explanation, troubled by a large number of physicists. In 1925, two Dutch students Uhlenbeck (GEUhlenbeck ,1900 - 1974) and ancient pursuing with (SAGoudsmit ,1902 - 1978) put forward the electron spin hypothesis well explains the anomalous Zeeman effect.