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KIM Chen
Chi ming Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in 1984. Has nearly 38 years of experience. Manufacturing LED car lights, LED truck lights. Serving the needs of customers is the most important goal.

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Subject: Automotive LED-consumption of energy-efficient than incandescent lamps with light reduced by 80%

Characteristics of LED light source 1. Voltage: LED low-voltage power supply, power supply voltage between 6-24V, according to the products vary, so it is a more secure than the use of high voltage power supply, especially for public places. 2. Performance: consumption of energy-efficient than incandescent lamps with light reduced by 80% 3. Applicability: small, small piece of each unit LED is 3-5mm square, it can be fabricated into various shapes of the devices, and is suitable in the volatile environment 4. Stability: 10 million hours, light bad for the initial 50% 5. Response time: its incandescent milliseconds response time, LED lamp nanosecond response time 6. For Environmental pollution: non-hazardous metallic mercury