LED Dashboard bulbs,Indicator Lamp, Panel light
Please Contact Us:
9F.-01, No.229, Fuxing 2nd Rd., Zhubei City,
Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (R.O.C.),
TEL:886-3-6587785,886-3-6587781, Fax:886-3-6758598
E-mail: chimingkim@icloud.com Contact person:Kim
E-mail: ling711218@gmail.com Contact person:Jinling
Chi-ming Company specializes in automotive lamp LED, truck lamp LED, professional manufacturer.
Chi-ming Company is a professional manufacturer of LED lights. Founded in 1984, it has 35 years of manufacturing experience. Focus on R&D, innovation, automotive lamp manufacturing, truck lights, quality and process improvement, improvement and customer service needs are the most important goals.
Chi-ming Electronics Co., Ltd. is committed to improving the quality, LED light, machine, electricity, heat expertise to meet customer needs, to make the best design and development, and to obtain customer recognition.